It's my birthday ... Love Me
I was gonna make that my whole blog. In the past 4 hrs I have had 2 diff campic/collages. I so funnee. My dad laughed at me just now cuz I came upstairs and started singing Happy Birthday to myself. I went to show him the cam pic, he had big smile cuz obviously he know everyone in the pic and remembers that day. I'm not gonna say how old I am, y'all gotta figure that out for urself. Like when I was talking to Crystal I told her I was turning 2_ ... hehe that whut I'm a say from now on. Even though I act like I'm 15.
I skipped class yesterday (7th) and gonna do it on n8Day too. Hehe. This morning I went to this. I had to be downtown at 7:45 - 8:30 am. For those who know me, u know I can't even get to my class for 9:00am. I had to take the GO train with my pops. The GO comes once every hour so if u miss it, ure screwed. I made it. I learned so much cool ass shit but its pretty boring to talk about here. Justin, Jarrod (the fool who keeps attacking my site when I'm not looking, in class) and me kept nodding off to sleep. Everytime one of us had a question to the other, the answer was always "I dunno, I was sleeping". Picture that. A HUUUUGE ass room of designers, and business men in suits with notes, briefcases and celly's ringing, and us 3 students in toques, leather jackets and celly's ringing ... sleeping. I got home at 2:30 and decide to take a short 30 min rest. Next thing I know BET's 106 n Park is on (airs at 6:30). I slept the whole day away. Damnit. Now I'm wired.
So what am I doing today? Abso-frickin-lutely nothing. Well actually I'm just not going to class, goofing around until the evening. I'm gonna go have dinner with the fams and then go see 8 mile. If no one is tired then we go clubbing. Then Saturday clubbing again with the people that missed todays celebrations of n8 Day. This plan should accomodate my broke ass friends, my broke ass sister, my sick home girl, and the 'rents.
I have a question why do nuff people who blog always link to a club, the same club all the time. Where in the blue hell do u live, that u only go to one club all the time? Damn I got about 15 clubs to choose from every day of the night, if I go to the same club more than 2 times in a month, then I'm being complacent. Oh well, maybe it's just us Torontonians.
I thank all the peeps that wish me well, before or after this blog, but especially Heather, cuz she bigged up my BDay already and she sent me one her packages. I can't w8 for that. :D Also I wanna big up Nat. We've been having cool ass convos like everyday for a week, I sorta look forward to a buttonfairy AIM popup window. Us Nats are frickin cool I tells ya.
Dude, who the frig messed with Haidee's site? Damn their eyes.
I'm gonna give a nex shout out to my lil Smurfy from TnT (Trinidad) she was the 1st to wish me happy bday. Next, go see Kelvin he updated. If u don't know who he is and why I linked him, shiiiit follow the link and find out.
Now for completely random shit, these are my 5 fave videos right now: Kelly Rowland - Stole. I like the song story and the video actually matches. J-Lo: Jenny from the Block. She looks hot. Yeah and her way of dissing paparazzi without saying it, but still making it look blatant is brilliant. Sum 41: Still Waiting. Dissing the trendy "The" bands, The Strokes, The Hives, The Vines, The White Stripes. I love it. Sum 41 kicks fuckin ass. Good Ajax boyz. Field Mob: Sick of being lonely. If Sum 41's video is not the funniest, then this is the funniest video ever made. Its even funnier than Foo Fighters 'Learn to Fly' or Green Day's 'Warning'. Last but not least - X-Tina Aguilera: Drrty. I wonder why. Its not really x-rated at all. Its not even dirty. Shit Jay-Z's videos show more ass than this video. She just looks damn hot. My fave part of the video actually involves Redman. When he punches the mascot then mugs for the camera it cracks me up so much. For a bonus video, Pink's new video: Family Portrait is awesome. All her new videos are frickin genius. I hope she wins all the MTV awards and accepts them drunk each time.
My teacher this week, told me I was good enough to work for these guys h'yere and these guys h'yere. If u know me, u know I'm happy knowing this. Now I just need the link up. I think I'm just gonna bumrush their offices in December.
This is my last bit of info, cuz I won't be around blogging for days now. Well at least coherently. Buh-bye now.
Oh Oh wait. The bday boy wants to hear u sing to me. Sing damnit. Send me or upload on yer site a bday sound file of u singing to me. I know ain't nobody gonna do it, nobody ever reaches to the end of one of my blogs anyways. At least I gave a cool idea out to other people to promote for their bdays. :p