The daily ramblings & musings of the notorious nWo n8 Dogg.

Thursday, November 28, 2002

Why hello there

Yeah, long time no blog or anything. I'm busy with the you know, getting back in life and finnding a job and shit. Really all I've been doing is editing portfolio making emails and thinking of ways to con employers into giving me an interview. I got good ones. I won't jinx them. In my lil time off, so much madness has happened, well ok not much but I got a new tag-board! QBoard is the shizznit. Thanks Mikey. I called him Mikey .. haha. I thought He said I'm a geezer. But yo I'm younger than this dude. Ok I'm like 1 yr younger. You don't understand how much that makes me feel like shiiiit. This dude is the GM of a Pro Baseball, albeit the fucking worst team ever, but still, I'm still chasing the dream of getting seasons tickets. I just saw Ja Rule on Jon Stewart show, he's 26, damnit.

My biggest thing right now is re-doing, originally I was thinking of making it in php-nuke, but my phpadmin is messed up, so I'm just gonna do a system in dotnet. This is not interesting, lets move on.

Happy Football Day North America. Yeah, um, America, Happy Thanksgiving to you, but why oh why is ur football game the Patriots vs Lions? That gives us Canadians nothing interesting to watch on Football Day. Especially us Canadians who just feel like going in slow motion and staying home. :p

All I've been doing recently is listening to reggae riddim megamixes off the net. I think I'll just mix them all and make one CD. This is a call to ANYONE who reads my blogs and knows Soca or Calypso. I doubt there is that demo for my site, buy hey, ah try me ah try. I need to know the new song by Treason & Bunji Garlin, It is the baddest tune. Please someone find out. Pleeeez.

Yeah I added miss moNY in the middle, to the n8 Army. Oh by the way, did y'all see the Ambrrrized button I got? Elmo really ain't pimped out, but it makes me laugh, Big Up Amber. BUP BUP BUP!

This post has taken 2 days, and I forgot what I wanted to say yesterday.

Oh I'll just send a few messages out. Missy I miss u and hope ur safe on ur trip to Van City. Saint, eff them h8ers, I'm always here to fight 4 u, I like fightin' ;) Nat, I hope ur ok, I'm here to chat again if ya need.

ps, does anyone from Ontario ever visit here? Lemme know.

Saturday, November 23, 2002

Meesa Dun

Uh huh, yeah, yeah. So if u read my past weeks blogs and shit, you'd know that I had the craziest week for school shit. Why? Cuz TODAY (Friday) was my last day of school. No, not for the semester. The course is done. Yeah buddy. I was up to 2am every night working on my portfolio and up till 3am on Thursday. Which means I was running on 3 hrs of sleep. We had to present our portfolio to the head of the department and the class. I went 2nd, so I had to sleep through all the others. We weren't allowed to have the computers on, so I was bored. I decided to go and sketch out my new designs. I have a few designs set up for my upcoming sites, including the official n8TV site. So u wanna know what I did? I am a certified eCommerce Web Developer. But apparently that's not what I graduated from? After we all put that on our resumes and portfolio sites, they changed the name of the course to something that had to do with Advanced eBusiness. I dunno. I'll figure it out later. Yeah so go check out the portfolio I had to do for class. It has all my class shit on it. So uh, anybody got want-ads or directions to the unemployment line? Forget it ... I remember the route.

The big thing we had was a Graduation Lunch. Our school has gourmet food preparation and chef training, so we had a sweet little meal in the school restaurant. I was one of the few who went back for seconds, even though our firsts was pretty big. Hehe. After lunch, a few of us went to the Pub, had our last 2 beers and then bid adieu to our school life.

My weekend seems sorta packed, during the day I assume I will either see Bond, Friday or Ja Rule/Seagal movie. Then go to my cuzns party, way the hell up in Keswick, then come back for club drunkeness downtown. Sunday is Game 2 of our road hockey season. I will exercise this time. Hopefully I won't pass out this time.

I tell u now, go see Ambrrr cuz she has gone button crazy, and she's gonna make one for meeeee. Listen Up If You want a Free (you pay shipping) Polaroid Digital Cam! go visit one sexy and cute Roxy Grrl Heather, she has a cool lil contest gwaanin', so go win the cam. While ur at it, u might as well join her new group blog. I would if I could, but hell I got one extra part, that won't let me. Ah well. Go visit Missy, Hood, moNY (uh that's u Diva), Nat, Sexy lil Saint and Jo' Mama, cuz I fuckin said so. Capiche? Also u better go visit and say Happy b-day to Crystal ... HAPPY BDAY GIRLIE ...

Yeah and go read Kelvin's weekly thought. It's funny this time. hehe.

If u made it this far into this total random, and completely n8 styled blog, then I congratulate u and reward u with ... ME. ha! Yeah, So since I had nowhere to go, no work to do right away, I finally updated my Cam Archive and My Collage Archive. It has alot of the pics u saw before and some u haven't. Some are the solo pics used in making the collages. And uh, yeah, the infamous oops! pics are there, unedited. BLAH!

Care if u care, but if not then go here and over here.

Let me just say it, Bush is a moron, everyone knows it, so buck up and who gives a shit. Speaking of who gives a shit, The Bachelor chose his bride. I was too busy watching Fastlane to care a damn.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

This goes to all my freaks out there ...

I made a new splash as u have figured out. It's based on the greatest member of the nWo and returning Genetic Freak, Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner. Why did I all of a sudden make a new splash and not a re-design? I like this layout. Alot of people do. I just wanted to have a diff splash, and Pump is the coolest mofo since Snoopy D - O - double G. Why do I like Steiner so much. Read his interview about returning to the WWE. U'll figure out why.

This is not really much of an update. I've been crazy busy this week, as it is the FINAL week of school. No classes, just optional seminars and portfolio, projects and grad on Friday. That's why I was home. Speaking of me at home, sitting infront of my computer all day long. I actually had the cam on all day. But no one came. wtf? New Splash + Me live = no visitors. That can't be right. I was even dancing. U suck, u missed it.

In the middle of me doing work and dancing, I saw the Mya video: Best of Me (remix) and decided I wanted to see Mya all day long. So I made a brand spanking new wallpaper for my sick ass wallpaper site. I also uploaded a quick lil Chelle wallpaper I made. Check the Mya one.

This just in ... The Memorial Cup will be held this year at home of the Kelowna Rockets of the WHL. Yeah, ummm, the rumour is that the reason for the decision is that Junior Hockey is the hottest sports property in Kelowna. Ummmm ... what the fuck else is in Kelowna? Is this a surprise? Is Kelowna the hot-bed, heart of the underground sports machines. I mean When I think great Sports cities, naturally it goes New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and then Kelowna, not neccesarily in that order though. I hate news reporters that just read the cue cards and don't actually READ what they are saying.

Ok lates.

Monday, November 18, 2002

I had to re-shift my whole Dj set up. My folks stole my table and shit. Check it:

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Owww damnit

My back is so hurting ... and that's on top of my heel in pain (see cam pic). I actually hurt my foot before the game. What game? Our 1st road hockey game this year. Yes, we are so Canadian, we see snow, we want to play. My dumbass was late and I didn't want to exercise, I ran from my car to the rink. I played like a possesed mad man, until my body said wtf r u doing? I scored fast and made some nice plays, my usual multi-sports skills. Dub J was the best, but this is his only thing he is tops in. Ha. But seriously I died like in 8 minutes. My back gave out, it wasn't my breath, it was my back. I friggin ignored the pain and had a last minute burst, but when the game was over and the adrenaline was squashed. That shit hurt. I couldn't drive. I had to have Rob drive my car home. Ha. Well to his home, then I chilled for about 3 hours. I came home and my dad laughed his ass off.

Even crazier was my situation. My body is dead and my car had problems. Well weird problems. First off it was snowing and icy. People drive like freakin 20 mph. so its snowing, my car is already scheduled for servicing, now the light indicator malfunctioned (so the service light doesn't show up), Jesse tells me my right headlight is dead, and when car starts I see that the low trac and check pressure light lights show up. All this in a snow storm. I was lucky I filled up the gas tank earlier.

4 hours have now passed since I started this post ... I just finished watching Survivor Series. It was pretty cool, but hella predictable. I think they want Raw to go back to good 'ol 80's structure, but with a Millenium facelift. What I mean is that, nothing is shocking, and the good guy beats all odds and inevitibaly wins against the dreaded evil doer.

U know, now that I think of it, today wasn't such a bad snow day. I should of went out. Well I would have if my car didn't scare me. I would have gone to the Santa Claus Parade. But hmm ... who would I have taken?

Even though Lita is horrible on the mic and as an announcer she is getting so cute. Yes I said Lita looks cute now. What? Look:

Ok, fine she just looks better than she use to.

Yeah so, I had/having problems figuring out how to set up phpMyAdmin on my space. I got .NET hooked up nice. Adrian is gonna hook me up with what to do for Php. That is the only reason I'm going to class.

I found some freakin bad ass shit @ FlashKit. My school portfolio might be even more visually stunning than my actual one. I'm gonna work on it now.

Oh yeah for some really ... and I mean so funny, entertaining things to read ... go visit Natterz and read her tag-board. Just go look for the loooooshers. It is so funnnee. I thought Crystal's and Heather's were wicked entertaining, but Nats fans are my favorite to laugh at. Hey ummm .. why hasn't Miyo emailed me back? Is she ok? Somebody tell her to mail me back pleeeze. I miss u Haideeee. Ok I'm out to go work on some shiiiiiit.

C'mon damnit let's all be big pimpin'.

Friday, November 15, 2002

Fake? F U

Look at what happened to Big Shows arm during last nights Smackdown.

Ok go back and read my last blog ... GO NOW.

Dutty yaaay

The Sean Paul album Dutty Rock is so good. I've heard it about 18 times now. It has all the big tunes Sean sang in the past year and the american remixes and 1 or 2 unreleased tunes. That's the difference between the Jamaican charts and the North American ones. Reggae artists bust out about 4 news songs a month, without an album to promote, just singles. Whichever songs become big hits, they compile into an album and usually test them over here and choose the best ones, then package it up. Don't matter, it just means I have Sean Paul big tune CD. He sounds more like Super Cat every song. I didn't know dude was NOT indian. He's Portuguese-Jamaican and Chiney-Jamaican. Him still run tings. Go get Dutty Rock. By the way he sings the big reggae tune on the radio called Just Gimme the Light and the remix of Shaggy's Sexy Lady.

The New Jay-Z double album is insanely good. Just go get it. Marvel at it. Every jigga album is like a movie. An epic. Now the latest Ja Rule album is frickin garbage. It puts me to sleep. I'm tired of Ja's slow, soft RnB crap rap. Booooring. The only fast tune is called Pop Niggas. That's the best song.

Make sure u are sitting comfortably, don't be leaning back or drinking, eating or in a compromising position when visiting this site.

According to my latest checks, no one comes here anymore. Barely comments, blahhhh. I guess I'm an even worse pimp. C'mon, click here let me pimp you ... c'mon pleeeeez. You can be be BIG PIMPIN too.

Ok, tomorrow is my last day of coding/lectures. Next week is grad week and job searching techniques week. Then I gradjoomulate. Then I attack Toronto for jobs. Or sit at home figuring out what to do next. 6 months went by fast. I've been so busy this week. Next week and the next coming weeks will be more. I have to build like 3 portfolios. Configured for each type of job mindset. Yeah anyways. I bought my new host. Just waiting for approval. My bro half-heartedly said he was gonna buy me hosting for my bday. He didn't know what I wanted. So I'm taking his word for it. Eh bwai .. nex time u rass come here. Gimme me money, yuh hear?

Yeah, so watch out for the new It's gonna have all the shit I wanted. Portfolio, this site, store of my shit, store of other stuff, music blog, wrestle blog, portal of my sites, downloads and hella more. Its gonna be dope. I may even host. I can host at least 20 diff domains. I have a question about that. Do u charge to host? Anyone who hosts or is hosted by another persons domain space, please answer this for me.

Big Up New layout hotness: Heather, Natterz and Amber ... (ok so she decided to redesign before I even plugged her). oh by the way I made new nick for maureenny moNY. Get it? make moNy moNY moNY. Ah well, me shilly. She's cool, plug love. Also my pluggage/humpage goes out to Missy, Saint, Jo' Mama, Joey and Jo Perfect (no really that's her real name. But she's insane and clumsy as hell. She so friggin entertaining.)

Why has my cam portal n8 army signups stagnated. wtf is going on? sign up damnit.


Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Heather Frickin Rox

Why you ask? Well apart from her normal sexy ass self, and her brand new layout, she is wicked sweet. Looky what she sent me for my bday.

Thank you Babe, I appreciate stuff like that nuff nuff. I laughed my ass off at the cowboy bubble bath. hehe.

I have been wicked busy lately, cuz of end of school and final projects and portfolio shit, and well, getting a job and tings. I'm suppose have 2 things ready for Thursday to go into Microsofts newsletter. Shit, I'm just gonna do one bad ass one. It's taken me so much time. I need to blog just to relax.

Oh by the way let me pimp ya u know ya wanna. Click it, come on do it.

Oh yeah, go visit my nigga HOODLUM cuz he's cool like dat. Also go check my bro Kelvin's site cuz he updated and he sent me a very "timely" bday wish. heh. jokes.

I don't have a rant or anything real important more to say, so I guess I'll get no comments and few tags again. ah well. * n8 sulks * bah!

Monday, November 11, 2002


I dunno wtf I'm talking about. I also dunno wtf is news nowadays. Who de fuzzkin rass thinks JLO and Ben's engagement is top news?

Even Regis is sick of the constant JLO news. I bet they are even sick of it. I hate those cheese ass tabloid tv shows like ET or Extra ... blah blah they talk the same shit. The only fuckin reason people watch this is because they like to catch any glimpse of their particular favorite celeb. Same reason I actually stopped and watched the Eminem feature. I just wanted to check it to see how cheese they would be, but they actually did a good job. I wonder if Shady had any say in what was to be produced. Back to my lil rant, if u wanna put the celeb-o-the-moment .... gzzaaaahhh ... um I lost my train of thought, I just caught a glimpse of Fear Factor, dude those are the hottest regular girls ever on the show. They don't look as good as they do on tv. Fuck I'm tired of this topic.

I have so much work to do, so why in the fuckin blue hell are u not doing it? Chill, I'm a get to it.

I made n8Tv 2nd episode and it was so long the frames dropped. So I deleted it. :p I think this one might be funny sort of, just to me. Ok my sister will laugh cuz she knows its just me being me. I'm gonna have to re-shoot it. I'm also gonna have the few bday pics up. The only pics I have are from the family din din. All that, later times.

What did I do on Saturday? Well I didn't see 8 Mile. I went and watched the dumbest movie ever, Monsters Ball, with Soca. The only one I wanted to be with anyways. She gave me a bottle of Malibu for my Bday. BIG UP!!! We laughed at that Monsters Ball crap. It was like a slow .. slow ... slowwwwwww ass comedy. Well it was mostly me talking and laughing. Halle Berry needs to give that Oscar Black .. I mean back. I never thought that was the reason she got it, but damn, that movie sucked. She is damn lucky Sidney Poitier and Denzel (who deserved his) were on hand. So anyways, I did see 8 Mile, on Sunday, with Soca. Shit that movie was dooooope. Really inspiring. I gotta focus. Speaking of, I'm a get off this blog and go do work and then get my paper. Make money money money.

Saturday, November 9, 2002

La Fiasco

[edit] OMG OMG OMG - I just blinked and caught an extra comment in my bday post. Sexy ass Saint sang me a bday song! Holeee shaat. Sumone actually did. Ok I luv u Saint even more. Ok go love her cuz she sang to me. Love her Love her Lover ...oops. hehe. Go love her. Ps. I had a good night yesterday so I'm happy now. [/edit]

I swear I'm the only guy who looks forward to their birth-day (not growing older, just the day) and it usually flops. This year, no different. Firstly, as you read in the last post, I kept changing my plans to meet everyones needs. Fuck my needs. Anyways, pops comes home late so we go out late. During dinner Soca calls and sounds insane sick and says she can't move. I wanted to be with her, damn. Also my sis and bro say they can't afford to come out later. That's 3 gone. After dinner I go to Sel's house for a little "red" consoling "session". CJ calls and says he can't find Rob. Shiiit. Dru calls and says she's sick too, she ain't going anywhere for a week. Awww man fuck this, I'm just staying here and burning. I told CJ we'll just go out on Saturday. Yeah Yeah errybuddy tells me they'll make it up to me. Uh huh. I h8 bad luck, I thought my bad luck was done. Damn my assumption. Basically what I did was play the greatest video game of all time for 3 hours, by myself. Selena and Samir passed out on their couches while I played. That was it. So far my plan for today is shortened as well. Instead of going to the bad ass theatre downtown, I'm gonna go see 8 Mile near Robs with him and CJ. That's it. No huge movie party and club posse party. Just me and my niggaz gonna go see a movie on Sat-freaking-urday night.

Gifts? My sis got me exactly what I was begging for, a speed bag. What's that? It's the boxer punching bag. Here look at me:

I'm over my bday blahs. Sort of. I just punch them away. I love that bag. I've also had my folks just yell and get frustrated with me. I'm not saying why, cuz then I might need to go use the speed bag.

I give a love up to everyone who tagged me and sent me bday greetings. The list is wicked long, so uh, just read the tag-board and click on every link on my site. :D. All my peeps, I love y'all mothafuckaz.

I'll put some bday pics and shit up later.I'm gonna get my host and new space soon time. Ok I dunno what else. Except, for a Happy Bday to my fellow scorpion gyal Stephanie. Audi 5000.

Friday, November 8, 2002

It's my birthday ... Love Me

I was gonna make that my whole blog. In the past 4 hrs I have had 2 diff campic/collages. I so funnee. My dad laughed at me just now cuz I came upstairs and started singing Happy Birthday to myself. I went to show him the cam pic, he had big smile cuz obviously he know everyone in the pic and remembers that day. I'm not gonna say how old I am, y'all gotta figure that out for urself. Like when I was talking to Crystal I told her I was turning 2_ ... hehe that whut I'm a say from now on. Even though I act like I'm 15.

I skipped class yesterday (7th) and gonna do it on n8Day too. Hehe. This morning I went to this. I had to be downtown at 7:45 - 8:30 am. For those who know me, u know I can't even get to my class for 9:00am. I had to take the GO train with my pops. The GO comes once every hour so if u miss it, ure screwed. I made it. I learned so much cool ass shit but its pretty boring to talk about here. Justin, Jarrod (the fool who keeps attacking my site when I'm not looking, in class) and me kept nodding off to sleep. Everytime one of us had a question to the other, the answer was always "I dunno, I was sleeping". Picture that. A HUUUUGE ass room of designers, and business men in suits with notes, briefcases and celly's ringing, and us 3 students in toques, leather jackets and celly's ringing ... sleeping. I got home at 2:30 and decide to take a short 30 min rest. Next thing I know BET's 106 n Park is on (airs at 6:30). I slept the whole day away. Damnit. Now I'm wired.

So what am I doing today? Abso-frickin-lutely nothing. Well actually I'm just not going to class, goofing around until the evening. I'm gonna go have dinner with the fams and then go see 8 mile. If no one is tired then we go clubbing. Then Saturday clubbing again with the people that missed todays celebrations of n8 Day. This plan should accomodate my broke ass friends, my broke ass sister, my sick home girl, and the 'rents.

I have a question why do nuff people who blog always link to a club, the same club all the time. Where in the blue hell do u live, that u only go to one club all the time? Damn I got about 15 clubs to choose from every day of the night, if I go to the same club more than 2 times in a month, then I'm being complacent. Oh well, maybe it's just us Torontonians.

I thank all the peeps that wish me well, before or after this blog, but especially Heather, cuz she bigged up my BDay already and she sent me one her packages. I can't w8 for that. :D Also I wanna big up Nat. We've been having cool ass convos like everyday for a week, I sorta look forward to a buttonfairy AIM popup window. Us Nats are frickin cool I tells ya.

Dude, who the frig messed with Haidee's site? Damn their eyes.

I'm gonna give a nex shout out to my lil Smurfy from TnT (Trinidad) she was the 1st to wish me happy bday. Next, go see Kelvin he updated. If u don't know who he is and why I linked him, shiiiit follow the link and find out.

Now for completely random shit, these are my 5 fave videos right now: Kelly Rowland - Stole. I like the song story and the video actually matches. J-Lo: Jenny from the Block. She looks hot. Yeah and her way of dissing paparazzi without saying it, but still making it look blatant is brilliant. Sum 41: Still Waiting. Dissing the trendy "The" bands, The Strokes, The Hives, The Vines, The White Stripes. I love it. Sum 41 kicks fuckin ass. Good Ajax boyz. Field Mob: Sick of being lonely. If Sum 41's video is not the funniest, then this is the funniest video ever made. Its even funnier than Foo Fighters 'Learn to Fly' or Green Day's 'Warning'. Last but not least - X-Tina Aguilera: Drrty. I wonder why. Its not really x-rated at all. Its not even dirty. Shit Jay-Z's videos show more ass than this video. She just looks damn hot. My fave part of the video actually involves Redman. When he punches the mascot then mugs for the camera it cracks me up so much. For a bonus video, Pink's new video: Family Portrait is awesome. All her new videos are frickin genius. I hope she wins all the MTV awards and accepts them drunk each time.

My teacher this week, told me I was good enough to work for these guys h'yere and these guys h'yere. If u know me, u know I'm happy knowing this. Now I just need the link up. I think I'm just gonna bumrush their offices in December.

This is my last bit of info, cuz I won't be around blogging for days now. Well at least coherently. Buh-bye now.

Oh Oh wait. The bday boy wants to hear u sing to me. Sing damnit. Send me or upload on yer site a bday sound file of u singing to me. I know ain't nobody gonna do it, nobody ever reaches to the end of one of my blogs anyways. At least I gave a cool idea out to other people to promote for their bdays. :p

Tuesday, November 5, 2002

I have no headline

Well I guess I do. So wha gwaaaaaanin? I think I actually got less comments for my long ass entry that was (almost) full of happy shit rather than rants. hmmm. U know I've tried thinking of funny ass rants to chat 'bout, but I can't. Erryting is irie right now. Even though it's frickin ffffffreeeeeezzzzinngggg. I am cold. I never get cold. Why me is happy? I dunno. Tings is nice ... and .. my bday is in 3 days 3 days 3 days. Ah Sweet 16 + ummm a few more candles, may be a fire hazzard. I dunno exactly what I'm doing. I wanna see 8 Mile, then eat, then club. Sounds like a good plan. Now who should come? I dunno, whoever wants to buy me shit I guess. Ha.

Amber always catches me live on cam. Right now I am live. I probably won't be by the time this is published (damn blogger). Speaking of my soldiers ... I got a new one. errybuddy go love up Jessica. The funny thing about her is that she's never ever signed the tag-board or commented. I was emptying out my junk mail and I see "I wanna be in the Portal Baybeee" - I'm like, hey, thazz what I say. Oh snap, its another portal person! Jessica who dat? Ah well Love her, she's an incognito soldier who has a cool lickle site.

Now for my frontline army: check the 1st army sign from Missy MisDemeanor Bebe

And check out cute ass Heather's "handy-work" heh.

Speaking sort of, about Heather, she's in a short shorts contest (looking so fine) but umm .. she's in it with another soldier ... Crystal ...oooh catfight rawr. No? Oh "It was all a dream ... I use to read Word Up! Magazine ..." I voted for both of ya .. School & Home .. So u people out there go to their sites and vote for them (me too lazy to go find that link)

I must say big ass ... uhh .. *congrats???* to Nat. Miss Cam-something or other top 8 (I only remember the number cuz it's 8) and IG's cam girly of the day. Now she has freaks, fakers and fuckwits to deal with. I'm so proud of yoooo. hehe. Nat has been helping me with my continuing my streak of going to class late in the morning. Yeah buddy. :D

pssst .. I keep going to Saints site and hoping I get to see her do that tongue tricky on her cam pop-up image. Wha? u do 2, I know it. ;)

One more soldier plug, sorta is for Jamie (Allister). I dunno wha she's going through but I hope the best for her. I chatted briefly with her the other day and I do hope she's otay.

I have departing question. Can u whizz coffee? Yes, thats what I asked. I notice errytime I drink coffee and gotta "go" dag that stuff smellalalalalalalala like-ah coffee. I dunno. Please don't tell me its just me.

Monday, November 4, 2002

Everything I do is an event ...

My nigga Robbie exclaimed this at his party (sampling Jermaine Dupri) ... and I'm taking this as my theme for my weekend. That's why I haven't blogged for a lickle bit. So here's my rundown .. and I even have pictures.

But first, thanxxx from my ego to my sexy ass soldiers for the niceness comments on my ... uh shoulder & neck. Heh. Big ups to Heather & Nat for helping me not doing any work on Friday night ... hehe. It maybe late .. but I'm wishing Miyo a safe trip on her Tokyo flight. Ok even more pluggage to Joey on her cute site, and to HoodlumInc. for a cool ass site from East of the T-Dot.

Now down to bizznass. I stupidly thought I could make the weekend focus on doing my project. Ah well. Saturday actually started crappy, Rob calls me and tells me to go meet him, Gunn and Bully to watch I-Spy at 1pm. Gunn was already in. The other 2 were freakin late and didn't show up after they called me to go inside. I sat by the seat at the door, and watched the damn movie solo. BOOOO! It was sorta ok. I met errybuddy outside. Then I started to laugh for no reason. Next I went home to do work until the night started. That didn't work. I watched friggin Notre Dame lose their 1st game and shot at the National Championship. I wore my gear too .. damnit.

Nightfall, get the party started. Oh heres what I looked like before the party:

Hehehe. I took those right after I got dressed. Heh. S'anyways. The party itself was lame. Rob downgraded his drunken fiesta to a get together. So basically, my geeky country buddies and their girls. No girlies fo' n8. I decided to just make my night a hip hop video. Me Rob & Bull drank up both types of Alize .. yellow & pink. Alot of it. I chased those with some Smirnoff coolers. But the best part was my gift to the party. The herbal remedies. I had a small, medium and a big head. 3 lovely goodies. The party was to celebrate the new place .. he moved from one condo to another in the same building. So he had a free room upstairs, just waiting to be abused. So n8 decides to hotbox the whole place. Yeah, I'm a genius. We got to the 2nd room, the bathroom, and decided that their is no room better than this for puffing. Yet again, I had the best idea when I decide to hotbox the shower stall. Frig it looked so cool, like a rocket ship launch, but it was us in the middle of all the rising smoke. So damn cool. We got the inevitable munchies. hehe. We so destroyed the counter with salsa, cheese and nachos. Hey we couldn't find any bowls! Next we went across the street to the bar, cuz there was no way we could make it downtown to the club district. I don't remember much. Heh. Fast forward to the morning. I wake up in the smokey apt. by myself. wha happened?. Ah well, I get up go home, arrive at 7:30 am. Take these pics:

Next is sleeeeeeeeeep. 3pm. Sunday. (today). My homegirl Dru calls me to go to the Toronto International Sex Show. Otay. I have to be there at 5pm. Whoa boy. My girl Soca was working their as a dominatrix chick. Sooooo funny to see my lil Soca whipping these dirty ass loser dudes. She was loving it, making them yell and worship her. Later on, she met one of them again, and she made the guy kiss the actual ground, and he begged for more. What the fuck? Yeah well, while we watching her and laughing, she points at me. I'm like nuh-uh, hells no. Dru, Natalia and Soca grab me, take off my jacket and strap me to this crazy contraption. I'm laughing and then all of them are whipping me with these crazy whips. And yep, they made me tell them I worship them and ... the only time ever u would hear n8 beg to them. They made me do it, so its under duress. It was fun though. I aint got no marks. Well I haven't checked. :)

We walked around and saw funny ass stuff. Me and the other dudes were like rolling our eyes at the stuff they had, all the girls were like grabbing up everything crazy. I heard them say, they were gonna have a sexiest legs contest and the girls decided to go enter. Soca didn't, she was tired and had enough spotlight time. My girls are funny and crazy. Nat & Dru did a lil lesbo tease and Nat lowered her pants so we could see her cute lil yellow joe boxers. She so cute, there was no way she was dropping the rest. She still smartie. Nat shoulda won, more people cheered for her, but they had like these stripper ass chicks set up and they won. Booo.

My celly rings, and it's my bro-in-law he tells me to go to the dominatrix booth. I'm like what? Wait, u and Selena (my sis) are here? I go over, they are laughing and my sis is trying to make Soca (her break was over) whip me again. Soca starts giggling, I'm getting the hell outta there. I went to the GNC (nutrition) booth, to get some good weight training tips. Yeah, nothing much else happened. Now I'm home.

Still no work done.

Oh yeah and final pluggage: my bro updated his thought, it's funny.