The daily ramblings & musings of the notorious nWo n8 Dogg.

Saturday, November 9, 2002

La Fiasco

[edit] OMG OMG OMG - I just blinked and caught an extra comment in my bday post. Sexy ass Saint sang me a bday song! Holeee shaat. Sumone actually did. Ok I luv u Saint even more. Ok go love her cuz she sang to me. Love her Love her Lover ...oops. hehe. Go love her. Ps. I had a good night yesterday so I'm happy now. [/edit]

I swear I'm the only guy who looks forward to their birth-day (not growing older, just the day) and it usually flops. This year, no different. Firstly, as you read in the last post, I kept changing my plans to meet everyones needs. Fuck my needs. Anyways, pops comes home late so we go out late. During dinner Soca calls and sounds insane sick and says she can't move. I wanted to be with her, damn. Also my sis and bro say they can't afford to come out later. That's 3 gone. After dinner I go to Sel's house for a little "red" consoling "session". CJ calls and says he can't find Rob. Shiiit. Dru calls and says she's sick too, she ain't going anywhere for a week. Awww man fuck this, I'm just staying here and burning. I told CJ we'll just go out on Saturday. Yeah Yeah errybuddy tells me they'll make it up to me. Uh huh. I h8 bad luck, I thought my bad luck was done. Damn my assumption. Basically what I did was play the greatest video game of all time for 3 hours, by myself. Selena and Samir passed out on their couches while I played. That was it. So far my plan for today is shortened as well. Instead of going to the bad ass theatre downtown, I'm gonna go see 8 Mile near Robs with him and CJ. That's it. No huge movie party and club posse party. Just me and my niggaz gonna go see a movie on Sat-freaking-urday night.

Gifts? My sis got me exactly what I was begging for, a speed bag. What's that? It's the boxer punching bag. Here look at me:

I'm over my bday blahs. Sort of. I just punch them away. I love that bag. I've also had my folks just yell and get frustrated with me. I'm not saying why, cuz then I might need to go use the speed bag.

I give a love up to everyone who tagged me and sent me bday greetings. The list is wicked long, so uh, just read the tag-board and click on every link on my site. :D. All my peeps, I love y'all mothafuckaz.

I'll put some bday pics and shit up later.I'm gonna get my host and new space soon time. Ok I dunno what else. Except, for a Happy Bday to my fellow scorpion gyal Stephanie. Audi 5000.


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