The daily ramblings & musings of the notorious nWo n8 Dogg.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Family Madness

The final cave cleanup gallery will happen soon. I'm in the new place now obviously ... here's a bit of the madness a SAMPLING of what the cousins get into in NYC.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ph@ Cave Dismantle: Phase 4

Now it's time to slowly pack up "the zone".

The Scarface poster AND Wrestlemania framed poster have been relocated to the wall hanger corner.

Remember my desk cleanup a few months ago. Erase it.

Discs have been boxed.

Oh man that's not the ... It can't. Hahah check out the dust around them.

Yep, the trophies of a child athlete who thought he was the next Roberto Alomar. Bagged up and donated to his coach.

The closet took a serious hit. Now I just gotta figure out what I'm wearing for 2 weeks and then the week of vacay.

So empty.

The shoe collection has been taken cared of, not to mention the jackets. All that's left are the dailies and suits.

Whew, I'm frickin tired. 11 days to go.

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ph@ Cave Dismantle: Phase 3

Oh wow walls so eerily barren.

The second day cleanup was a little serious, trust me you are about to see things you never thought you'd ever see. Also, let the memory river flood.

The records have been moved to the "chest of things I want to keep, but not actually TAKE to the condo." AKA I dunno what to do with this yet. Until I get a new USB/digital turntable I have no use for my LPs since I snapped my Stanton needle and my entire stereo system isn't coming either. Yes the legendary SCRATCH MASTER mixer is in there too!

This corner is gonna get filled up with all the potential wall hanger items that I'm actually taking. Rickey!!!

Records, CD's and old cassette tapes cleaned up. Check.

I'm not taking all those damn CD covers... yes that's 3 bags full of empty CD cases.

PUUUUUULLLLLL UP!!!! Bahhaha NOW if there was one Cassette Mixtape to keep it's the legendary 1st clash of KING Addis vs BAAAAAAASSSSSSSS Odysssssey!! Yes Chap that was for you.

Holy Hell the shelves have taken a beaten. DVD's toys, books, cards AND the infamous top level beer bottle collection - GONE.

Anybody wanna buy some Star Wars Transformers?? ANYBODY?? PLEASE!!!

Random NBA mascot plush toys I forgot I had. Forgot mainly because they fell behind the Bose speaker. haha. Yes CHARLOTTE Hornet! Wait is that a Bruce Lee poster? Can it be?

Holy crap, The Bruce Lee Wall has been decommissioned. Let's have a moment of silence for the Dragon wall AND the DJ ICE/Twin Killing stereo system (had since I was 16) for entering parts unknown.

No cassettes archive AND clean magazine shelf. Eeep. Take a breath I know.

Magazines (nuff SOURCE & Maxim) get crated into storage for my eventual eBay store. You want em???

Oh boy let's take a moment to regale the trinity of plastic belts in all their glory.

Especially the ICONIC nWo Hardcore Championship title, which was THE pre-eminent title in the nWo T Dot preliminary years. 24/7 rules applied... hence the hardcoreness... this belt was honored and fought for heavily.

Serious battles for real. The belt's batteredness equally exemplified the energy and effort put forth by all who ever competed for this most cherished prize.

My "Coolie Juice" wasn't so much regaled.

Grade 12 doodling will make me design my own Rum flavored water bottle whose contents tasted more like Rum and Coke ... because it was.

Finally that damned Inferno Vodka bottle and pigment escaped and alcohol poisoned Chili pepper that I've owned since 98 is hitting the blue box. Oh rass a decade!

Gadgets are great. The Source loves me. Coin sorter and paper shredder .. comes in so handy right now!

Ummm yeah. I'm so keeping this. These 2 relics were also part of the Ph@ Cave hallway entrance. Montreal Expos helmet and a REALLY old Incredible Hulk gigundous figure. I had to wrestle it back from a German Shepperd when I was like 11, so that's how it lost it's leg .. and pants. By wrestle I mean cried and waited until the dog got bored and went inside and then I ran over and prayed for my life.

Bob Marley posters have left the building. Wait that closet looks a little light.

Oh damn! The sports jersey collection has been voted out. If you thought that looked weird, wait till you get a load of this:

I know. Everytime I step in I have to take a breath and catch myself.

only 15 more days to go and the cleaning has yet to begin.

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