The daily ramblings & musings of the notorious nWo n8 Dogg.

Monday, March 31, 2003

Why the fuck is it snowing? WHY WHY WHY???

At least I get to go to Opening Day now, Yanks vs Jays. :D

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Monday, March 24, 2003

Finish my rant ...

Awhile ago I started a rant. I never finished. So here's a game for you, finish it for me cuz I'm lazy like dat. Without further adieu.

WTF R U Talking Aboot?

"Lately I've had this sentimental feeeeling" - I felt like bussing out a Jodeci tune. What the fuck happned to the internet? All these sites are going down for no reason. Tay, says its an SQL worm, that was some crazy timing just now. I started writing this, but it's JLO Day on MuchMusic and I'm distracted.

I have a dilemma, I want to post things here and things on n8itude. I dunno where to post what. If I use this site just to plug and recite my boring ass day here, well fuck it, choke me with a wishlist and call me a cambizznatch. I am not the one. But speaking of cam peoples and the whole fucking "scene" I have some beef/questions. No, not about half the sites, that look the same, link the same people or talk about the same shit. Nah, that's been done. I'm a call out the fucking "words" people type out in blogs, IMs ..etc.

I got a PHD in ebonics (heh) and well half the time most people can't understand my caribbean chatness and hip hop hop squawk, but ya know, it's not like a fuckin code. These fuckin people's I see are like the Navajo Indians in war times. Its like u need a transl8r. U see the 8 I put in just now. Well u see, I think that's easy to follow. The trend I see is numbers all up in the joint, not to mention, numbers in words that are not spelled right in the 1st place. I put 8 everywhere that rhymes with 8, like "ate", "eight" or "ait". Its simple, u can follow, but shit man, theres a disturbing trend and I urge u to fuckin stop. I can't read ur shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

So please people tell me, what the fuck these words mean and how/why they got started:

k3wl33z: Ok I do know this mean "kewlies", but what the fuck? That's not a fuckin word it the first place. Ya know, Coolies is not a word anyways. Well ok it is, to me especially since am one. No not a "slave" even though that's why it's popular term for Carib-Indians. Why we all have to be so ghetto as to take the term that is meant as a negative for our flag of pride .. uh anyways ... back to the rant.

L337: Someone tell me why l337 or "leet" is a cool word or even a frickin word? Please .. Please. So it's some sort of geek code or some shit. Why are u using it as a good thing. First time I thought I decoded it when someone said I was "l337" I thought they said I was "loot" as in "money" as in that's a goood thing hip Hop-ese. But no I was wrong, I'm cool in geek-ese. Damnit.

You know what word I hate the most .. UNF UNF. SHUT DA FUCK UP. That doesn't even look cute or sexy. That's the fuckin sound u make when ur taking a super dump or moving a big ass couch up circular stairs. Who da fuck says unf? When you say UNF, that says to me, yooz a virgin ...

Aiight that's it finish it up and add any more "internet cool" words you have no idea the rhyme or reason people say that shit.

Btw .. I have a nex idea .. so if u have or know sites that people have videos on (like n8tv) link me. Videos of themselves I mean. Not videoclips of real shit. Ok bai.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Life h8s me

I start the damn day with my flash programmer not listening to the damn PSD cuts I made for him to follow. Annoying the shit outta me. Today my plan was to go to this big monster huge Job Fair thing downtown. Minimal nervousness cuz it's beside the CN Tower, and supposedly it's a terrorist threat. Anyways.

First off .. subway is $5 to and from. The job fair actually cost $3. Ok ... now the fair was shiiiiiiiiiite. Oh I forgot all my peoples cancelled on me, so I went solo (aka no chattings for n8). The whole place had pure headhunters and schools and Mc..freakingDonalds. Everybody there was a damned refugee or kid looking for summer jobs. Geezus Peezus. So I ask about Web Design & Web Programming ... the largest headhunter said "Just go home, you won't find that here". WHAT DEE ASSSSS???? Rass man, me is vex. Why do I go to these blasted things? Waste of freaking time. I wasted my day. Ok so I get my car at the subway parking lot. I fuckin forgot to pay for parking. Ticket. Thanx, I needed that. Yeah it rained so the ticket is blank, all the text is off, I wonder if that means I don't have to pay. Probably not, now I have to go call them just to find out the charge. RASSSS.

u stop laughing. Oh yeah btw peoples that link I keep giving out is my bestfriend/bro and soon come he is gonna enter the wonderful world of blooooooooooog. Hehehe. Yeah and he got his site b4 me. I wish he was here so I could take my PHrustrations out on him meet Mr. CUFFington. Meet am.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Ouf in muh mouf

Look at cam pic. :(

After 27 yrs .. finally .. I had a cavity and it got filled. My mouth is numb, I talk funny ... and I'm going to the job fair tomorrow.

When I told my sis, she said it was karma, cuz I've always made fun of the family saying I'm the only one with perfect teeth. Seriously, the dentist people love me, they praise me. They took pics of my teeth for a poster for perfect teeth.

I go in there and it's funny, cuz I was l8. I always am. I walk in and I'm like Norm from Cheers. "Everybody knows my name". I'm talking to all the peeps there, and all the female assistants are smiling, grabbing my jacket and shit. The people waiting have this look like, who the fuck is this guy? Is he famous? hehe. yes motha fucka, I is PHHHAMOUS. Anyways

I don't like that shit. My teeth still hurt. It's suppose to take 3 or 4 hours to get the numbing gone from my face, but my tooth actually hurts. Not allowed pain killers and I have to eat on the other side of my mouf. Speaking of eat. You know what my mom made for din din. Juicy, soft, bad ass ribs. DAAAAAAAAAAMNIT!!! How the fuck am I suppose to enjoy that? Not fair. On the day my mouf is not in good shape, those sexy .. and boy I mean sexy,sexy, juicy bbq ribs come out. Gawdamnit.

Saturday, March 15, 2003

I h8 the airport

[upd8] helloooo my friends ... guess wha? finally .. finally ... is open on it's own!!! yeah yeah my niggggga!!! Go now, no pop-ups. Sign up muddasuckaz. Ok back to ur regularly posted rant ... [/upd8]

Why??? Cuz when u go to pick people up, u can't park, not even for a second. I h8 the airport 5.0. actually. If u stop for a second they rush you. U don't understand my h8. I go to the airport about 10 times a year ... but I don't go nowhere. Yes n8 is the taxi.

I tried doing this fucking rant 2 days ago .. but shit happens. Anyways the full vexness is not in me, cuz some good stuff happened. I'm sure I can rant at full power in a few paragraphs.Yeah Fuck You.

Where was I? Oh yeah the fuckin airport. Why the fuck can't u just park for 10 minutes? Huh? Why not even frickn 2? If the people ur picking up arrive at 6:20 and it's 6:35 .. motherfucker u know they is coming out soon, let me stop the FUCKIN CAR!!! Shit man, all i do is go loop de loop, loop de fuckin loop. I don't stop. And it's not like I'm really having fun driving. Drive rrrrrrrrrrrrreally fast just to fuckin get back in the loop lane, then cut people off to go in the arrivals fuckin lane, then screeeeeeeeeeeeeeech ... slow down and go extra frickin slow and rubber neck the whole damn time. If I even stop for half a second. The gawdamn traffic beast start power walking towards me. I wanna fuckin aim at them and say "blow ur whistle, blow it motherfucker, I'm a run ur ass over." The worst part is, when I see whoever I pick up, and go park up to load the car, none of the damn beast is ever around. I wanna send them some 2 hand sign language, but those rasses deny me that privilege too. RASS DEM!!!

Why the sudden urge to talk about airport? On Saturday I was suppose to pick up my folks at 7:20. They went to Cancun. Yes, while my ass was shovelling snow, they were with the spring breakers in Mexico. Anyways. I'm rolling around the gawdamned airport till fuckin 7:45. My dad calls and says the flight got delayed, and I have to pick them up at 11. 11!!! Otay, the night is shot up to hell. I was gonna go clubbing with the no dollaz I have. I wanted to go see someone. Lately, it seems that's all I wanna do, but rarely get to. Anyways, 2 bad 4 me. I realize night is done. Lock off. I don't even get a default WWE Confidential to watch. Rass man.

So I'm thinking lemme go call on Turbine who is by the airport. Call she celly, and wha she say? She is by her cuzns in where? where? of all places ... down the fuckin street by my home. Damnit!!! So I guess I HAVE to go all the way home and come all the way back. The whole time I'm driving all these blasted rasses are trying to ram me into the damn side roads. RASS DEM ALL TOOOO.

Only good ting is dat, she come by house when I get home and me get to see all she scandalous pics of her at Trini Carnival. Yikes ... mmm mmm mmm. If she is watching this ... just remember "2 giant pink life preservers". Heh. No y'all can't see the pictures. I'm not allowed to show .. she says "they are not web worthy". Aiight u can. That was the only good thing. I came back home from picking the folks up at about 11:45. Just in time to wish her a happy bday. Actually I was tricked and technically I wished her the happy bday and she told Lex on my behalf. :P

BTW ... go post in Tay's forums, as soon as this publishes I'm a be there.

I have so much more to rant about. But I figured after 18 billion picture posts. Now y'all have remembered why u liked this fuckin site. Words .. ok fine lots of words spliced in between alot of fuckin FUCKS. Fuck u, scooby dee doo wop and hai fuck u.

This week in the WWE

Whaddya know I got 2 more signs.

Da Critic


BTW go check out n8itude and look for Cas' interview and exclusive gallery. Otay .. l8r.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

U all suck

The only sign I got was from ninja#1. hmmph.

omg clayyyyy wtf!!!! is sosososososo kewlieeeeez!!! wtf!!!!!!

gtmcknight: im on the phone with maureen
nWophatrass: thanks for the update
gtmcknight: i was complaining that no matter what i write about hardly anyone comments, but she can blog that she hasnt taken a shower for 4 days and 18 people will comment and be like, "OMG! OMG!!11 me too, your sooo kewliez!"
nWophatrass: dude i know ur pain

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

1000 4 Mats

Dude the cup is coming hooooome

Sunday, March 9, 2003

I'm so sick

So send me fansigns.

Ok fine I'm hungover .. send em anyways.



Friday, March 7, 2003

Look what happened to this foo'.

Wednesday, March 5, 2003


[edit] You probably don't care but I'm a Toronto Maple Leaf die-hard fan and this is the gr8est news. [/edit]

So the frickin freezing cold wasn't enough .. tons of snow had to be ADDED to this. It's not like we traded, oh noooo, we get freeze & snow .. oh joy.

Now is the winter of our discontent. It's enough to make you think Shakespeare had actually visited Toronto this month. The city that's already sick of the season got another infection on Wednesday, after a storm system dropped about 15 centimetres of snow on the G.T.A. just in time for the morning rush hour.

There were numerous delays and cancellations, as drivers slid their way into work by whatever means possible. Traffic on the surface routes was the predictable mess, with at least 350 accidents keeping police and tow trucks busy, and a two hour long wait for C.A.A. members having car trouble. Thinking about getting away from it all? Think again. Many flights from Pearson International were cancelled or delayed.

The storm moved on to the east by mid-afternoon, allowing the long dig out to begin. But experts are warning you to be like the traffic, and go slow. The last storm two weeks ago saw three people die from heart attacks while shovelling away the mess. They don't want to see any more added to that list.

What the hell happened here?

Btw all the new peoples who tagged or commented ... I button linked y'all mofo's. U been n8jacked. Hmm .. dat sound too good. Ah well.

When the hell is Ale gonna put up the BG info on EO? Damnit I wanna know.

Go visit n8itude, we've put some crazy ass articles lately, Mike has introduced Da Critic to the n8itude lineup. Oh and Hood has finally brought Mayhem back to TV ... uh the internet.

Time for Hot Cocoa. peace.

Monday, March 3, 2003

It's 2 damn cold

You know that old Mel Torme song about 'Jack Frost nipping at your nose?' Well, Jack's been busy this winter - and he's been attacking a lot more than just that one body part. When conditions turn this cold, frostbite is a real danger. And while most won't be severly affected by a very short stay outside, it doesn't take long for the effects to set in.

Yes, that is what we are dealing with over here in Toronto. U peoples in Florida and other warm places .. enjoy it .. go outside .. run in bikinis (take pictures for me) ... love that warmth .. cuz I ain't having it.

Last night was the coldest night in Toronto in 10 years. With windchill it was -40. Yes .. I said MINUS 40.

Bone chilling. Unbelievable. Enough already. Words don't seem adequate to describe the feeling surrounding the record cold gripping Toronto and areas around the Great Lakes. It began with a flash freeze on Sunday, and has led to brutal wind chills that reached a stunning minus 35 by early Monday. A cold weather alert - the eighth this season - was issued for the city, and by 6am, the temperature had already sunk to minus 24C, beating out 1938’s record minus 21C low.

Even those who watch weather for a living admit they've never seen anything quite like this. "People haven't seen this cold in Toronto in March in 130 years," notes Environment Canada's Dave Phillips. "This is brutally cold, and I think it's been the coldest of any day at any time of winter in the last six years ... We've never experienced ... as cold a day in Toronto."

It's so cold, the gas pumps froze last night, CAA (auto service) says expect long delays because every 60 cars on the roads are breaking down or can't start. The hydro issued a power warning because everyone needs to use power to keep warm. The most important thing is they say don't smoke or drink tea because that stuff drowns out body heat. Damnit. ahh fuck it I work at home. I'm gonna go have my tea now.

Sunday, March 2, 2003

Roy Jones Jr. surprised John Ruiz by not running. There was nothing surprising about the masterful skills he used to become a heavyweight champion.

Guess who won? Yeah I am the championnnnn. Hehe. Had wicked fun, nuff blasts, met a bunch of people who are my official homies for life. But in the now immortal (for me) words of Roy Jones after his (least important) win last night

"This means that I am the baddest. Only Ali can shock the world like I did.''

I fuckin run tings. yeah yeah.

I wasn't even home when it was announced .. fuckin Saturday for crying out loud. Anyways, this was my day. Oh yeah I figured out what I wanna do with this site. Rant & Blog ... usually they amalgam8 into one anyways. Ok so its my Bro-inlaws bday so we go out to the Pancake house at 10 am. U have no idea how early that is for me. 9:45am, my folks have left and my sis is banging on my door telling me they are leaving now and if I am not in the car in 2 minutes I have to drive myself. I don't wanna do that. I'm still sleepy. Oh and I'm still putting my pants on. I ended putting my belt on ... in my driveway. At the place it was maaaad busy, there was a junior hockey league eating there and it was craaaazy busy, our food was cold and they wanted to move us about 4 times. My dad complained and we got some shit fo' free. I'm skipping the rest. When I got home it was like 12:30pm, I had to go play hockey at 2. I lied down on the couch for a rest ... next thing I know its 4pm. Doh! Have u ever been so tired from sleeping all u wanna do is go back to sleep? Yeah that's what my main day was like.

I thought we wuz going to the Docks (club) later, but that was not to be. Then I thought, fuck I'm just go see the fight. That was not to be either .. and I tried 3 fight plans. Ms. Soca Loco calls me up and says she's bored and wants to go jam, but its like 9pm and I'm already back in sleepy mode. She calls again and says her new Columbian friend Leena wants to watch movies at her house. Ok I'm sold. Never pass up a chance to meet new girls. :D

Me & Soca are the worst video pickers, we waste so much time acting da fool and being undecided ... Leena took over and basically as they were pushing us out the door we chose Bourne Identity. Phone rings and now the other half of the Sushi Twinz & James want to watch also. Its a video party.

Soca really just bribed me to come by offering alcohol. So when we sit down, she asks if anyone wants a Tropical Surprise. Pineapple & Coconut rum drink. Only me and her drink. So basically there were 3 Virgin Tropical Suprises and 2 Drrty Ho's. Mine wasn't drrty enough .. so she added some dutty Bacardi. heh.

Fast forward to near the end .. since I slept all day and had my regular rounds of caffeine I was wide awake.. and well it's a spy movie u know. I look around and all I hear is "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" people passed out on the floor and the couch. James is playing sleep-footsies with me thinking its really Dru. I started laughing cuz I swear Soca has never watched a movie at her house. She is always so excited to have a movie party and gets all the food and drinks and shit ready .. but by the time the real part of the movie starts ..instant sleep. Her snore rivalled mines. Movie ends credits roll and everyone wakes up. U have no idea how much I laughed. I'm doing the post movie stretch and they all start popping up their heads like groundhogs ... oh wait ... I mean mmmmmmoles. hehe. Fun times. I drive Leena home and she's cute ... she was dead tired, but u know like 5 minutes with me talking ur head off ur wide awake. heh.

When I got home I knew I won eo, cuz pjay Imd me a congratz and Ale says .. "We need to chat". I actually forgot it was the final day. I'm glad its done. It was an awesome time bridger. I got the jobs and shit just this week, so I wouldn't have had time for another round anyways. I mean it was a fluke I had enough time to do the campaign site. For anyone .. and the Dogg means anyone who wants to play in EO2 .. I'm telling u now. Raise ur game .. u gotta be better than me. Or u frickin suck and I'm not giving u my points. haha. Ok seriously join the game, no doubt u'll meet a ton of new people that u'll love off and have a wicked fun time. Only if u particip8 and not just wanna play for hits.

Otay plugs for peoples 2 know I'm thinking of em ... I miss ya nuff nuff Saint and Ambrrrrr's IMs seriously make me happy as hell. Ok bai.