Aiight my cigars and my cigarettes ... So almost all the obstacles in my way are toppled. I'm guaranteed a spot in the course. I'm recommended for approval for training loan. I can pay my deposit next week, possibly I don't even need one and my loan can cover the whole thing. Basically right now I'm in the course. It depends on money on whether I stay in or not. Could life actually not hate me after all? Watch it tumble next week.
Geek Update: yes in the past 5 days I have spent about $200 bills on Magic shit, that makes this recent Magic obssession total around $350-400. I have no money yet I spend it on this. This addiction I used to get me over the last addiction, and this one costs more. At least I can breathe and outlast most people on the court now.
Don't bite this. Me and BULL usually make up rhymes while we do anything, we've been doing it since we were 15, that's about 11 yrs str8, 4 u young'ns. So this one I made out of nowhere waiting for a green light. It's dope, but I have no song or verse for it. So it goes here for "safe"-keeping. Anyways, heeeeeeeere we go: "Honestly, Honesty is on it's last knee" - That's it. I know that's dope, but I don't know where to put it. Speaking of my skillatude. These funny ass girls, made a "Which Rapper are you quiz" - "This is who ... I am"

What kind of rapper are you? Take the damn quiz @ KTHXBI!!!11 W0rd up s0n!!1
Those girls at KTHXBI are mad funny. A lil bit feisty and playa hatin, but still funny. I couldn't figure out what the hell the name meant. I don't speak young ass american girly talk. But frig, guess I do, since I figure out it was Okay, Thanks, Bye for IM convo's or chats I guess. Golf clap for me.
While I was driving, the oddest thing happened. It's raining, and and ambulance is siren blasting coming from teh opposite side of the intersection. We both have the red light. All the cars that have green light are not letting the ambulance through. Finally they stop, but ... on the side of the intersection that went through it (to the right of me) a car stops and another streaks and slams into him! These people didn't let the ambulance in and then stopped AFTER they were through the intersection and not in the ambulances way! I look at the ambulance and see him calling in, I guess for another ambulance. Then the ambulance turns towards the new accident. I guess he was calling to tell dispatch to get someone else to go to the one he originally was going to. To sum it up, an Ambulance going to an accident caused another accident.
Who would win, the crazy ass apes in Congo or the Apes from the Future Planet? ... or an army of Patrick Ewing?
Who the hell made the rumor Allen Iverson for Vince Carter player for player deal. That is way to dumb to even consider.
According to these little ass girls on CityTV Speakers Corners "Homework Sucks" Oh really? "Why do we have to do the work we don't finish in class at home and on the weekends? Isn't weekends suppose to be fun?" Wow, what a revelation. I cannot believe kids think no one has ever gone through what they did, and these days no one understands them and it's different now. Shaddup. I actually understand what my parents meant now. That sucks.
Funniest thing on Conan O'Brien yesterday; he revealed Mini-Me has a bodyguard, not to protect him, but for people not to steal him!!! Ded. That was the funniest thing I heard in awhile.
Diane Lane looks nasty and old in the trailers for Unfaithful, but on Jon Stewart she looked nice and fit.
FYI Rev. D-Von's new Deacon Bautista is Leviathon from OVW. He was a sick bad ass. Big beast like Brock. With Brock, Rico, Deacon and Randy Orton fitting in nicely, not to mention Maven, how will Awesome, Kanyon, Rhyno, Bull Buchanan and Benoit fit in? Mr. Perfect is gone, Godfather is so unused. Hugh Morrus is way undervalued, look at him, he's a big crazy tatooed star with actual athletic ability, he looks like a wrestler. Yet he wrestles on Jakked.
Updated May tunes for Soundboxx (link above). All tunes based on current big tunes. (no underground or classics this time)