
[edit] You probably don't care but I'm a Toronto Maple Leaf die-hard fan and this is the gr8est news. [/edit]
So the frickin freezing cold wasn't enough .. tons of snow had to be ADDED to this. It's not like we traded, oh noooo, we get freeze & snow .. oh joy.
Now is the winter of our discontent. It's enough to make you think Shakespeare had actually visited Toronto this month. The city that's already sick of the season got another infection on Wednesday, after a storm system dropped about 15 centimetres of snow on the G.T.A. just in time for the morning rush hour.

There were numerous delays and cancellations, as drivers slid their way into work by whatever means possible. Traffic on the surface routes was the predictable mess, with at least 350 accidents keeping police and tow trucks busy, and a two hour long wait for C.A.A. members having car trouble. Thinking about getting away from it all? Think again. Many flights from Pearson International were cancelled or delayed.
The storm moved on to the east by mid-afternoon, allowing the long dig out to begin. But experts are warning you to be like the traffic, and go slow. The last storm two weeks ago saw three people die from heart attacks while shovelling away the mess. They don't want to see any more added to that list.
Btw all the new peoples who tagged or commented ... I button linked y'all mofo's. U been n8jacked. Hmm .. dat sound too good. Ah well.
When the hell is Ale gonna put up the BG info on EO? Damnit I wanna know.
Go visit n8itude, we've put some crazy ass articles lately, Mike has introduced Da Critic to the n8itude lineup. Oh and Hood has finally brought Mayhem back to TV ... uh the internet.

Time for Hot Cocoa. peace.
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