The daily ramblings & musings of the notorious nWo n8 Dogg.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Juan Beniquez

I need no reason to do what I do.


Thursday, December 18, 2008


For no reason than for good wrestling nerddom I makey my version of Raw if I had the stick. This is the cutting edge bad ass cool Raw. No old-timers or past glory hogs, just the main roster and core group to lend the baton to. The top row are the banner wavers. Yes Miz & Morrison. They are crown jewels.

Why didn't I nerd out on nwo tdot?


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


america you are gross. The only thing they forgot to add was Free Tequila shots out back and "roll your own special tabacky". I think I got heartburn looking at this picture.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sweet Toof

Breakfast Television's bubbly coffee girl slash if it was my way the #1 bday girl reader and who cares just give her more air time cute ass girl ... yes that's her title. She's also a cheerleader for the Argo's. She seems like my jumpy bouncy fun kind of chiquita. Michelle Bieharsomething.


Monday, December 15, 2008

I am this close to being jealous of Chris Brown

It is like so not fai....I wanty humena..brain not function, suaveness, class, flow, deliverysjkjdsjkhdshdh overload. delete comprehension....drool status inflated and initiated.

so close


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Goodbye Curryman

Yeah i just wanted to post this pic. Hmmm this is gonna be a classic shirt!

If anyone actually reads this blog, you are still laughing. Good day.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Baseball Boss

Baseball Boss is the best baseball simulation game to play online for free. This unique online baseball game combines fantasy baseball and virtual baseball cards. I know not sounding too cool, but fun still. I'll try it. Found it via MLB Trade Rumors site.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

My wacko MLB 09 season prediction

Both the Mets and Yankees with their annual big ticket overhaul ... will both do worse than the non-active nearly comatose Jays.

Cashman ... CC is actually a risk and once again you overpaid and the second you sign AJ for anything over a dollar you overpaid.

One or in the case of CC a couple of moderately good years does not warrant giant contracts.

Nolan Ryan, Roger Clemens, Roy Halladay .etc those types deserve monster contracts. Yes I said Doc alongside those 2. What he'll be the 2nd Jay inducted into the HOF (after Robbie next year) and probably have the most complete game wins of all-time ... or at least finishes.

Mets ... remember Johan and Pedro. Not a good comparison actually, because that game ending duo of Putz to K-Rod can only be rivaled by the equally intimidating tandem of Accardo and Armstrong. Pushing it. I know.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Toronto Sports Recession

It was only a few years ago that T Dot had some semblance of hope...flickering albeit but it was there.

Now, The Raps fired Mitchell and are in the midst of restructuring (oh how I PERSONALLY hate that word, trust me).

The Leafs are well the Leafs and re-tool every year (last year was the sounding alarm for a "new era" to commence).

The Jays 5 year plan is in like it's 8th or 9th? Don't care. Teddy Call Game has passed away, half of the sales team is adiosed and word is this is the slowest and quietest off-season in the JP regime ... or any other.

Rafael Furcal is the biggest name and even that is a fading rumor as he's probably going to Hollywood. Carl Pavano and his useless arm are going to the minors? My prediction ... he sucks with the Jays but rehabs himself so awesome he goes to back to the Marlins and then they win again (and dismantle the next year). Al Leiter is back.

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Lily Allen confuses me

The confusion is actually why i find her cute. But I do. The piggy nose, the odd smile or the sweet one second, and then a combustible drunken fun machine the next, might be it. Probably.

But how can u not look at her and know something is brewing when she looks this way ...

And now 3 professional promotion machines who clearly do not share coordinated wardrobes.

Sam doesn't even attempt anymore. Are we allowed to pull his BMF card now?


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Auto tuuuuuune...

B.O.B. wrecks the autotune bs....

Nobody wanna hear that wack shhh no more ... I'm telling ya there's ONLY 1 YEAR LEFT!!!! for wack music ... the renaissance will begin. Every 10 years it starts.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Andrea Bowie

I was thinking about writing on how Barngani is the Sam Bowie to Brandon Roy's Michael Jordan. Then I went and checked out the stats and well that's not fair. Jordan was a superstar from day 1. Bowie was a respectable rookie and slowly tanked into a role player. Bargnani has respectable stats consistently ... he's not improving dramatically but he is still a damn good player. Brandon is playing out of his skull since day 1 ... but not jaw droppingly like MJ. He's just really good ... RIGHT NOW. Really good ... not superstar.

But ... he is already or close to Bosh status. So imagine Roy feeding to Bosh and O'Neal!! Then again we get Roy, why ever get TJ Ford? Then you get no Jermaine. Then Jose never develops and isn't good future trade bait.... oh the crap I think of when I have no work to do.

Ok peace I have a portfolio to make ... after I dl some drawn together.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wha De A..

That's all I can say. Today was a great day personally, but Nationally with the Coalition madness each day the world gets more effed up. The only thing that can sum up this bizarro madness is Toronto sports coaching shake ups.

Not to mention the fact that Ted Rogers passed away and 25+ Blue Jays sales employees were let go ... just as I was contemplating to work for them.

In other annoying news, I was was watching ken Burn Baseball documentary for the past week .. I was in the middle of the 9th Inning (last chapter) and ... Youtube pulled it!! I was done.... almost. Now I must get that DVD set. and Wu-Tang story. and now ... 50 Cent is a Jays fan. Holla. Wait .. is that good?

I was looking for that pic for a long time.

Ok peace .. I'm soon soon getting ready to do all the stuff I wanted to.

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