Friday, June 27, 2003
Saturday, June 21, 2003
I saw it
Ok .. u know I had to see the movie on opening day. I thought it was dope, but not everyone agreed. There was ALOT of storyline. But that I liked. Ang Lee did so awesome directing this. Not just the animation (dude Hulk looked so real). My sentences suck. Anyways, the cinematography was amaaazing. The way it was cut, the dual scenes, the transitions, that is how a comic book is suppose to be shot as a movie. Unlike X-Men which was like another sci-fi movie, spiderman was awesome at comic book adaptation as well, and DareDevil pretty much sucked at cinematography. I'm not gonna say anymore. I'll tell you who will like this movie .. any comic book fan. This was the HULK movie. People who just want to see the "in" movie, or want to see crazy ass CGI and action, will get bored at parts. What people always fail to understand about comics is that underneath all the craziness of superpowers are human emotions. The stories are always rooted in love. Be it the pursuit of love from a companion or acceptance from a parent or the general world. If you just want to see smash and bash and don't give a shit about the original motives of the character. Watch the trailer. And stay at home ... forever. If you didn't understand what made Matrix Reloaded so good, and only thought the highway fight scene was great .. stay home and watch the trailer. While you're at it, burn your books and download more pr0n. Watch more FoxTV listen to Eminem because he says fuck and cunt and disses gays. You'll never understand the real meanings. You're hopeless. You're a fuckin sheep. Go lick Bill O'Reilly's ass.
How did my happiness from Hulk turn so sour? Hmmm .. cheer me up by sending me signs!
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Oh geez
My lil buddy Chloe wanted to show me her video of her dancing with her friends ... Uh click below to see my problem ...

It's at 66 percent now .. yes I'm still downloading it! love ya ;).
Thursday, June 12, 2003
I still have no content. :p. But since peoples are skurred by Mike's hypnotic boob swaying button. It's trying to command you take more shots like those please. What happened to the war? Fine ... in tribute to the eo round 1 challenge. Thong signs please. hehe.
Yeah so anyways. Since I have nada to post ... uh .. go look at my room. I took the pic while testing lighting on my digi cam. No ... not the one I won from eo. Ale hasn't sent me it YET. So here's a next example of my consum8 love for da good ol' rasslin.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003
I'm not dead .. just busy. Had a monster weekend. Gonna eat a donut now. The point of this boring post is cuz Mr. Mikey made me a button ... and this is it ...

That's all I have time fo' ... No more hockey .. sniff .. true say I barely watched last nights game anyways.
Wednesday, June 4, 2003
I feel the love
So I'm very happy with the love war I got here. I encourage it ... so much. Yeah and uh any measures y'all wanna go to outduel each other .. yeah I like that. So guesss what .. Oh yeah I'm like updating twice in a day including an edit .. and why? Cuz of the love. And now what more? Well my cutie cheese queen Dana has popped my cherry. Ooh what did I say? Yep. She has sent me my 1st ever fan sound.Yeah that's the shit. Dude she sounds like Aguilera so much. So wicked.
I feelin very irie this week. Even after my busy ass tired week. If u've tried to talk to me .. U know what I'm saying. But I'm having the wickedest convo's intersparsed between work. So big up all y'all.
What? What?
[edit] Don't u just LOVE war? Yeah I do. The best thing is ... I encourage more "love fighters". Yep yep I do. [/edit]
I never update 2 days in row. I'm too busy ya know. But I have one reason ... and one reason alone to update. I am currently rrrreally liking the current trend of fansigns I'm getting. I like it alot. That said ... The Crappy ass Boston Red Sox jersey has never ... ever .. looked so good (well other than me wearing the jersey).

Click it, it's huuuge .. and the pic is pretty big too
Yeah ... sexy ass Becca may pick crappy sports teams, but she sure can make a dope ass fan sign. :P. Love ya goober.
Tuesday, June 3, 2003
Hear me now
U might as well go and be Welcomed to India
Fuck all those computer help sites .... THIS IS THE MOST USEFUL SITE EVER.
Ok I'm going to wait by my hotmail for fan signs now.