The hits just keep coming
What possibly could have happened next? Well on Thursday, coming home from class, I get a note on my windshield. It says I have a near flat on the back tire. Rassss! It was crazy low when I saw it. So now me is driving on spare. I went to go get the tire repaired this morning. I thought a only $10 that's cool. Affordable. RASS DEM! The tire is unrepairable. TWO big phat stinkin nails on each side of the tire. Dun. My pops said that I need to buy another tire, because the contract for the rental says it's my responsibilty. $190. Blast. Watch, I know this will happen. When The tire comes on Thursday, my insurance will call and say return the car. Then I will have no car and still owe them a tire. RASSSSSSSSSS!
I also just had conversations with both my folks (2 different conversations) about me going to church. As Mista Kelvinal telling me to do. Me ah know.
The good thing to look forward to is the nex week is a 3 day week for me. Monday off and Friday off. 2 long weekends in a row .. sweeeeet. I'll be broke (broker?) by the 2nd one though. Rass.
I guess I am tha sucka.