Play Ball ...
Whoa my header HAS to do with my subject. Bizzarro.
Yeah well If you know me or read a bit abooot me, ya know I love sports and mostly baseball. I am a true blue Yankees fan and can't get over the fact that this a World Series without them. Nonetheless, I am still rooting for a team. Guess who?:

2 reasons. San Fran used to be NY Giants. And obviously Barry. I'm not a fairweather fan of Bonds either. He has been my 2nd fave for his entire career, right after Rickey Henderson and before Kirby Puckett. Speaking of Puckett, what the hell did he do? Damnit, he was the good/nice one I liked. Even though I've always been an infielder and a pitcher, those outfielders were my heroes. Bonds hit a 1st at bat homer and I lost my voice already.
Oh yeah, see the cam pic. That was my optimistic pic. The stupid ass cage was actually closed. It never closes. It suppose to close at 9pm. It was 4 when I got there. So I go to my back up. They no longer have a batting cage. Back up # 2, they don't even exist anymore!!! So now what? I got a need to hit and a need to be in the fresh air, cutting away. So I just grab the ol hardball and go to the park field and chuck and swing away. I was hitting by myself, into the backstop for 2 hours. I had fun. I improved my swing too from last week at the cages. I didn't want to hit into the field cuz I didn't want to go grab the ball after each swing, but I was tempted to see how far I could hit. Now the homer fence in the park is about 280ft. Not bad. I didn't even swing hard any time, marginal power and boom! I hit the friggin balls everytime (7 times, till I got bored running all the way back and forth) way the hell over the fence into the middle of the football field right beyond the park. Yikes. I wish I had that power when I was younger. I told Robbie I would of traded in all my speed for this power.
As for the World Series, please somebody shut dumbass Tim McCarver up. I fuckin hate that guy, he has nothing to say. He says stupid Cliff Claven (postman from Cheers TV show) nonsensical facts for no reason. Eff him. For example. JT Snow, the first baseman goes for foul ball and slips, then gets back up and catches it. McCarver proceeds to tell us that, that play is similar to another Series play where a backcatcher went for a ball and it slipped out his glove and the first baseman caught it. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE SAME ABOUT THOSE 2 PLAYS? NOTHING!!!! Shut up, u washed up, never was, has-been, prick. Somebody call Deion Sanders to dump water in his face again. The dumbest part is in the replay, they slow it down and right when JT slips he says "there!". There what???? There he fell? I can see that, u slowed it down for me too, thanks. Is "there" where I am suppose to believe is the exact time catcher dropped the ball into the 1bman? Man, he ruined my happy go lucky baseball post.
Is it possible that I can only rant? Ah well. Shut the fuck up. hehe.
Oh and heres a tip. People keep talking about Vector Art. Its just using Illustrator or a drawing program and making cool ass pics. People who can make them are kewl. The good thing is that they can be resized and not look fuggly. But if ya wanna fake it, and make a bitmap (gif, jpg, bmp) look vectory .. use photoshop. Use the filter: CUTOUT. I use PS filters on my cam pics all the time. A good thing is to copy the pic layer, apply the filter to it, then toggle the transparency so the original can show a bit. That way u can get some original parts of the image. You can even erase some "bad" looking parts too. Try many filters on top too. Otay my lesson is done. BLAHHHH!
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