[edit] Look at this schmuck [/edit]
This is the 8th time I've tried to start this. I h8 my damn computer. Its on its last legs. I should be doing my portfolio. Watch how long this blog will be ... not intentionally... I swear. :)
Was my Guestmap a bad idea? Cuz it don't look like much people signed it ... :( hmmmmm ... BOOOOO. Oh well, big up to muh girl Haidee for plugging it in her own BLOG. Dats Neat-O. Heh. So now I plug Joceyln 's Guestmap ... go feel her map up.
By the way go give Missy sum love, she's had surgery this week. Get betta bebe.
News before my nonsense bloggage. News, no not sniper, war, taxes, sports or "real" news. Jussa MY news. The ones that matter. Ok .. did I build it up properly .. enough suspense ... here it comes. ... aww crap I forgot. hehehehe. Otay, I didn't really, ok Mizzy Miyo made me a cool ass Fan sign .. go check it in the fan sign section. Yes girly I like it and you are very creative and u rock. Next ... I added 3 new peeps to my army (aka the portal) ... Heather, Nat (congrats on ur cam and stuff, missed ya) and Amber who is the cutest thang. We had a short lil IM session and she booosted my ego. Hehe. Thanx girly. :D.
Holy crap this is long and I haven't gotten anywhere yet. So I'm a start now.
First a simple statement. Red Cross has some blood donor campaign going. Well they always had it, but this is the 1st time I talked about it. Well not it , the slogan (just get to the point, boy). Ok this is the slogan "Blood, it's in you to give". FUCK YOU Motha sucka .. It's in me to LIVE. Now I don't wanna be a jackass, but I swear these commercials are like emotional extortion. They make u feel crappy so then u just give it up like its nothing to you. I'm not against giving blood, ya know I just hate the slogan, and the tone. Its like the Plasma Mafiosa is coming after ya. They remind me of the starving kids commercials. Its not MY fault either where you or I was born. Stop bugging meeeee. I'm a student. I'm in my 3rd .. yes 3rd College. Who the fuck is gonna help me? I'm in my 3rd cuz the economy sucks ass and I chose this damn web field in the middle of the dot com bust. Help me. I can help you out later. See, what a good deal. I got car payements, gas, rent, addiction to fine women, and am always haunted and need to go out, did I mention that I have to buy alcohol, "other substances" and also the eventual munchies? On no job? Just freelance work for crappy lil companies that go belly up before I can link them on my portfolio? So who gonna help meee? Is that mean and ignorant? So.
Geez that was suppose to be 1 line.
So I'm watching TV and I see this:

Chicken Motha fuckin' Dance Elmo
WTF is that? Have u seen the commercials? These kids are on crack. Why in the hell is this entertaining? If Bush doesn't kill our ass in this WW3, then the future president who finds this shit amusing. Ok well actually, I was imagining that after some "herbal medications" that shit could be more entertaining than a Cheech & Chong marathon. Ok I take it back.
BUT!!! This is disturbing

WTF is it? Its Wally Getsa Wedgie. Uh huh. If the redneck looking, overbite ugly ass freak face didn't bother you, then hell, the pure idea of the doll won't. It fuckin annoys u with dumbass songs and shit, until u pull up its underwear and give it a wedgie. No joke. Yeah, now bullys have a toy to identify with. Great.
But yo, these toys take the cake. I want one sooo bad. Ooh Ooh each doll has its own cartoon. hahahaha. Fuck, I love the internet.
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