The daily ramblings & musings of the notorious nWo n8 Dogg.

Friday, June 28, 2002

Yaw, I updated the cam, and made the site accessible for stupid, lazy rasses like you.

Why am I not going to sleep? Ok I go now.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

I'm in class So I figure I might as well say something.... Rass I have nothing to say.

Jeff Kent and Barry Bonds had another physical fight in the dugout. What? Yes the dugout, for those of you who don't know, they are on the SAME team. Both are former MVP's and their ego's are too GIANT sized for San Fran.

American Idol on Fox. Me luv she, she and she. (the last one takes nasty ass photos). She is the best female chance to win. But they all should quit, cuz its no doubt all the teeny boppers will vote for this dude. Why am I wasting my time linking that shit? I dunno.

Chris Jericho launched a tirade on his site against the internet and and "smark" fans after his less-than-stellar reviews he got after his match with rvd on Sunday. Jericho said the Columbus crowd was "into it" fuck no they weren't. The Columbus crowd was dead, the whole ppv, they flat out sucked. The Jericho match on the other hand was dope. They were awesome. Y2J didn't deserve the harsh criticsm, but anyone can say what they want. Jericho exhibits some of that good ol Canadian whine.

Uh oh, teach saw me wasting time.

So many awards shows as of late ... wallpaper blitz is a coming.

More Daredevil Movie Stills

[edit] man it took a while to let these pics show. It's hard to update not at home. [/edit][edit] I came home and edited it back [/edit]

More Matrix 2 stills

I may put up T3, Hulk, new Bonds and Jackie & Love Hewitt's Tuxedo stills ... well as soon as I find some.

More movie news: Hong Kong Kung Fu Films to Be Re-released

Saturday, June 22, 2002

Guess who's back? Yeah y'all, finally. I know I didn't disapoint, this is one mudda sucka bad ass design. Screw skinnable blogs, make one design and make it dope as hell. I did. Check mate.

For you youngn's; the cartoons featured: Index page: Kid 'n' Play Cartoon series. This Page: The Brown Hornet, who was actually a cartoon series that the Fat Albert Gang watched .. like Itchy & Scratchy or Terrence & Phillip for Simpsons & South Park.

By the way the previous post is the post that "never aired" .. Because when Tripod limited my space and I couldn't "add or replace" a file. No more Tripod, less space, no banners.

You would think I have more to say since this is the grand-reopening. I don't. In case you didn't notice. No there is no guestbook (yet) getstring effed me. Use the tag-board. The cam images are not clickable. Go to the "unfinished" full cam gallery links over there. If you go to the archives. You will see my most funnest vandalization of a picture. (yes my most funnest is english, shaddup)

I made banners for my peeps. If you can't figure where your banner is ... shux 4 u. heh ok dumbass, click the link that says "Not Me" (genius!)

By the way, I'm still not done. Do you see the games section? No. Not yet.

Quick note: Me luv Ashanti even more. Not only is her top 25 video countdown, full of actual all-time hits, but her "pay the bills" videos are not rated the typical high spot. I mean she gave her current video "Happy" a 16 rating. She played "Pass Me By" by Pharcyde, Da Butt, Kwame's The Rhythm, De La's Buddy, The Ruler's Children's Story, and even Shabba's Trailor Load a Gals ... but the "dun point" is when she rated in the top 10, Super Cat's Ghetto Red Hot. Instant love.

Oh yeah, I'm doing awesome in school, thanks. My 1st "project" is doooope, and online, but not gonna get it linked, until the forms and shit actually go to somewhere I want it to. Otay.

Aiiiight I'm done. I'm pretty sure there is a ton of stuff for y'all to check out. Tag me back tell me what ya think. (Tag me back means use the tag-board).

Bee Boop.