I want my n8TV
U may not have wanted it but now u got it. I have maaaad homework, but I do this instead.
[edit] I made a Windows Media Version! .. yeah so now go to downloads and click on .wmv [/edit]

go 2 muh downloads ->
What is it? Yes its me. On video. From TODAY. Yet again be patient. 3.4 mb file. On Tripod. I had to shrink it and put it in real player format. It may look weird ... maybe, cuz I put crazy filters on it. When I get my own server soon, I'll have room for a better quality version. I had fun anyways.Yeah u can regular click it and d'load it.
*** go to muh downloads -> ***
I was so haunted in class today, as y'all could have figured out by my tags and comments all day. I have a project to do, but, frig I just wanted to release my retardation. I have one other multimedia thing in mind. Y'all are gonna love it.
NBA starts tonight. Raptors tomorrah. LEAFS WON ANOTHER GAME! NOTRE DAME IS STILL UNDEFEATED ... damn giants lost. --- wooop, dun my schizo sports headlines attack.
2 notes before I go. I hope I don't jinx this, but I'm setting up a deal where I can do a series of sites for this company right after school finishes in Nov. First site from 5-10gs. Yes, that what I said. 1 week of work. Second thing, wish me luck. Why? I'm going to court tomorrow morning. 9:15 Wed. because of this. Monster suckage.
Oh ummm .. my bday is actually close, about 2 weeks. Nov. 8th. Just saying. ;)
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