The daily ramblings & musings of the notorious nWo n8 Dogg.

Monday, March 25, 2002

It's been a long time, since I left you ...

Uh I had a lot of garbage to say, but I forgot. Ha, anyways, concerning the Oscars, I think it was a pure pity party. It looks like Chez Whitey was suppose to serve Outback Cake, but instead served up some Humble Pie with Guilt Sauce. While I do think Halle deserved the Best Actress award (even though I didn't see Moulin crap), this was gearing towards the Beautiful Mind show (I didn't see that garbage either). Russell Crowe is the apparent media darling, he won last year, so isn't he suppose to Tom Hank it again? Oh crap the Aussie train ran smack dab into the "better an african-AMERICAN, than any other country". Don't get get me wrong. Denzel is the man, Sydney is the man, Halle is THE woman, but Denzel didn't deserve it for training day, neither did Will for Ali, and actually Crowe didn't either. Sean Penn deserved it this time, but he wasn't gonna get it anyways, he didn't have pressurized slug aimed at the Academy's head. This Oscar is only gonna eff up Denzel's shot at his deserved John Q. nomination next year (not enhance it as normal). "Hell he got one last year, so there, we're even, wait another 40 years and we'll bring his ass back, for an honary one". BOOOOO DEM. I am happy for both of them though, its about time injustice and media pressure fell towards the favor of minorities.

I wonder when a brown skin will get known for anything except a funny accent to make fun of, or a demeaning job?

Well I guess I did have something to say.

Anyways almost all of the sites were updated: Jericho, Maven, nWo Returns ... uh basically all the sites with Wrestlemania content. No, the pictures of me and the rest of nWo T Dot are not ready yet.

Blade 2 is ill ... bad ass action, and not every vampire does kung-fu, the super baddies do more brawling, grappling, wrestling stuff but at higher speeds, I love that. I also like the fact that the guys who are suppose to be bad ass, are actually bad ass fighters and Blade can't whoop them like zombies punks. Sweet, and the biology of the creatures were thought out. 3.5 star movie for me. The ending was gay as hell, so it lost there. But the sick ass, fine spanish hottie chick made up for that. Who is that? Leonor Valera that's who. Uh yeah, they do explain the reason why Kristofferson is alive, right away and fairly well, so don't worry about that.

Somebody kill AJ from 106 n Park. Please. That reminds me. Ok I got this from Crazy Kelvin:


First things first, are those Predator braid/dreads his? He fuckin' sucks! They should let Free do all the talking uh no, they should get rid of his trying too hard to fit in ass and give her the show. He has no vibe and totally ruins the chemistry by talking over Free all the damn time. Who's dick did he suck to get that job? Oh, my bad, it's BET!! No wonder

Runner up: Cita (The 2nd most embarrassing shit bout us after Afroman.)

Oh man Ioved that, that guy thinks like me. Oh yeah that link was from: 2nd Annual Profteezy Awards!!! Ok, Ok one more award that I feel exactly the same about:


I'm sorry but somebody gotta say it! I'M SICK OF THIS FRAUD! Now, I'm not saying she's isn't talented, but she's not THAT friggin' talented. 5 Grammys? Lauryn Hill won 5 and Alicia can't carry Lauryn's tampon. And that Jr. High school piano recital playing really pisses me off. Take Clive Davis (President/CEO of J Records her label) out of the equation and she's just another neo-soul wanna-be. Great marketing, cute face, and a hit song can fool us all. And could she have at least gave India Arie some love at the Grammy's considering how snubbed she was. No hating, just the facts!

NO RUNNER UP! ha! ha!

Aiiiight, Ali G. is gonna have his own REAL full-length movie ... it's gonna get bombed by dumb ass american reviewers, but the trailer is too funny. If you don't know who Ali G. is, then go check the links on the side. For the Trailer ... clickity click.

U wanna see nekid Blu Cantrell?? Hit em up style! OOPS!

Shoot, this is a long post. Well at least u're getting entertainment. EFF the 2 people who negatively voted for me on bloghop (side column, vote GOOD for me).



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