The daily ramblings & musings of the notorious nWo n8 Dogg.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

What now?

Today's subway story .... is short. Heh. That itself is ironic.The only thing weird that happened was on the way back home. Went for anudda whizzzzzzz, and these 2 dudes were standing like they were fucking the urinal. They were like right in there, both! Then they didn't move. They also stood there for like 10 thousand hours while all us dumbasses held our noses for SARS fearing, dirty ass smelling mens subway bathroom stench. 2 guys whizzed and went and these frozen pissing statues still stood there motionless. It was weird. Finally I gave up and dared to enter an actual stall, I couldn't hold it anymore. Piss, boom bah I'm out. THEY ARE STILL STANDING THERE!!!! The 3rd person after me just dunned his whizz and they were still there. It was so weird.

At eo the players haven't been chosen yet, yet the fightings have begun in the forums. I love that shit. hehe. Speaking of eo ... Rhitard, the US Rhiannon, whoever. She's funny, actually really funny. But on this point she really is a wee-tard.

"yeah so i think we need to toss the judges. you are the most biased motherfuckers ever. just cuz the popular kids didn't like you in high school doesn't mean you have to take it out on the popular internet kids. geez, i'm glad i didn't apply for this game with all of your "U R popular so we R not gonna pick u to B in tha game!!! HAHAHAHashahHH2AhAHA!!! we hate U PoPulaR ppl!!!!"

these people are obviously popular for a reason...HELLO!"

They are "popular" cuz they HAVE NO life. They spend so much time hitting up forums, cam girl joining sites, tag boards, guestbooks and linking and chumming up with previous no-life success net popular people. I have better things to do. Like making $, drinking beer and watching hockey. Also these people are boring, they didn't get popular based on their *ahem*talents* .. unless their talent is living online. I don't h8 those people, I don't care actually. It's that, theya re all the same. Anyways, she meant the judges that said they don't like these people. Well it was really only me and Clay. And she loves Clay. So that means it is ..... I. So uh, that means I was the one who the popular kids didn't like? AHAHAHAHAHAHA .... dude I was the don. Look at me. From the country school to the city school EVERYONE knew me. Ya know. That makes me laugh too much. I also like the analysis that the popular internet geeks were somehow the popular kids in highschool. Uh huh, U must be mad. Oxymoronic weetard fo' lyfe.


Smackdown tickets, Jays game, Molson Indy tickets ... a one week testosterone festival for a total of 69 (hehehe) bucks! Sold out in 4 hrs. n8 gets no tickets. FUCK.

Should I do shoutouts? Ok fine. Love ya Goober, holy friggin ... schwinnng, Maureeny v2.0. May 28th, Midnight. Be there, or miss all the fun, poopie head. That's it. Oh yeah .. Big Blonde Boobies.


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