So .. uh .. what's new?
So I guess u can see .. I have FINALLY ... changed the layout. Once .. maybe twice I have threatened too, but last night I just snapped. I was starting to update and then I just looked and said, there is alot of excess shit. It's a new start ... la di dah .. the layout changed. yaay. I like it and I don't. I don't miss afro head. U have no idea how long I was tired of the hornet.
Speaking of changes ... I think I put Hood over the edge. I swear this is the funniest project/breakdown of all time.
Why have I not blogged so long .. much less hours and hours and hours after I put the new layout up. Mad busy. It's almost time for you to pay your bet. What bet? I dunno if y'all remember when me and Mikey had our bet to see who would get a job 1st. Well basically I've been getting contract work from this company, so I think I'm on the team, but I dunno yet. I've already done a layout and today quoted on a re-design and actually had to turn down a Flash thing, cuz well .. I actually didn't wanna do it. It hurts me to turn down stuff, so u know I'm battling something. Don't ask.
I don't wanna turn down nothing cuz I'm broke .. soooo broke. I mean tonight is FUCKING MONDAY NIGHT RAW in TORONTO ... and I can't go. A Raw in my hometown a day after a PPV that Austin & The Rock returned to. Nada 4 n8. I can't even go celebr8 bdays with my wrestling niggaz Adrian the GINOus (hehe I thought that was funny) .. oh go see check Age's Freestyle Radio .. um where was I? oh yeah, his bday and my bro .. the BLASTED RASS, Mr. Chap. I can't go .. so I'm pissed.
I had a fight with my mom today about Dr. Phil. I'm not gonna go into it .. but I would seriously injure that dude if I ever saw him.
Why am I blogging for so fuckin long I got work to do.
Oh yeah .. in case y'all AmeriCAN NOT BEAT US IN HOCKEY EVER's forgot, it's been one year.
Oh yeah .. I actually forgot about this ... I won the Final round of Elimination Online, so I'm automatically in the "elimin8r". People have all thought I was gonna be here, but I thought I was adios last round. Then madness happened .. and guess what .. my homegirl moNY got booted. btw my lil crackbaby Lex helped me out for real on that challenge. She "rawks" (she also makes me chat like a 13yr old) ... btw I made ya a n8 styled button .. go here.
It's about time I gave ya a huge muh fuckin blog 2 read ... now I'm done .. it had no rants. Sort of. So I'm leaving on a happy note ... big up fan sign rampager moNY.

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