During Church, yeah I'm the fairweather fellowshipper, I'm like super paranoid. Why? Uh incase y'all haven't heard, Toronto has an insane SARS outbreak. Not to mention my old condo has been quarantined. Yes ALL the residents. So the idea of stickin in one tiny ass room (my church is in transition, so the congregation is at a college right now) with all these potential sickies is not something I welcome. Our Pastor even encouraged us to NOT shake hands and greet.
During praying .. I uh was thinking of 2 things. Shooting people in Paintball, that I was suppose to be doing right now, but obviously I'm not. And uh, the girls booties that we met last night. Yeah, I left my place at 12 am to go out with my already drunken ass friends. I had service this morning at 10 am. I'm tired still.
Oh yeah ...

Yeah well, Rap Superstar has yet to be updated, but the button is new. :D. The Dunk Show is just for RealOne users. So go get it.
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