Finally ... The Gold has come ... HOME

Americans really don't care about Hockey nearly as much as Canada, if they won, it would just be another feather in their cap, the same way as when they win a Figure Skating medal. So they lost, and to them its ah well, congratulations Canada. But if Canada lost, it would be hell. It would be utter sadness. It would last far past these Games, far past the next 4 years. It would last forever. Instead its pure bliss, pure joy. I can honestly say this is the greatest day in my fanatical sports watching life. And I have watched more sports events in my 26 years, than most people who get paid to work in it. Canada Rocks. Hockey is one of the sweetest things to watch, international rules or not. And you know what? It's gonna last forever.
Now that it's over I can go and boo Brodeur and Yzerman and every other NJ Devil or Detroit Red Wing. Go Leafs Go. heh.
Oh that was great ... as I'm typing this I hear Brian Williams on CBC say "Canada Day has come early this year" ... sweet. Even though the women won on Thursday, and the amazing bad ass speedskating team racked up 3 or was it 4 medals at least 2 Gold, yesterday. When THE TEAM, THE GAME, THE SPORT, comes through. This is Canada day. I can't argue with that.
In other news. Happy B-Day BLACK RASS -- heheheheheh. Former and possibly soon-to-be-again Canadian Patriot and current american bastard (kidding ... no, i'm not) Crazy Kelvin is celebrating his birthday in Miami. Go wish him a happy b-day.
Oh and umm ... the more I see Jamie Sale on TV, the finer she gets. Also that chick from the Petro Canada commercials, The Japanese Canadian girl, Yuho, the friend of Snowboarder Nat .. something or other, yeah she looks good too. Me nah luv she ... yet.
Hey, more news as I watch TV.
During the Gretzky press conference he informed us, that the company that made the hockey ice, is Canadian, and they buried a Loonie (uh, thats an Gold dollar coin, for everyone else, not a dead bird) at centre ice for good luck. Damn did that work, we got 2 Golds out of it. Gretzky has the Loonie now and he's donating it to the Hall of Fame. Cool eh?
Did you see Gretz when Iginla scored the insurance goal .. he was pumped and screamed fu**ing eh! ... I loved that .. It was even cooler when they replayed it in slow-mo during the flag raising and anthem/medal ceremony.
My last monster post. The Jericho site has been split into 2 pages (the graphics got too huge for one page). I made a Leila Arcieri (the fine chick from Son Of The Beach) fan site, mostly to offset the afore-mentioned CrazyKelvin's Aisha Tyler site. It's the exact same design and colors .. and hell I stole his codes. I can't believe he still uses font tags. Not one css style ... It looks good anyways. I had more fun copying his style and thinking about what he will think when he see's it, than looking at fine ass Leila pics and making a site for her.
WWF on Fear Factor tomorrow, watch it.
Man, the cool quotes keep rolling in on CBC. Kevin Lowe (former Edmonton Oiler great and Team Canada exec) ... "Never doubt a Canadian, when it comes to Hockey".
Even more quotes .. I gotta stop making spelling and grammatical mistakes, cuz everytime I edit this post, another cool quote comes on. Brian Williams, again on CBC; after he's been informed that the Russians are complaining again about having their medals taken away for doping infringements. Claiming they are being persecuted. "Whining has become an Olympic Demonstration Sport ... let's hope it doesn't make it to Italy in 4 years."
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