Cold As a Motherfcuker
I figured I'd update this a bit. I'm mostly looking for a way to RSS feed Blogger entries. Apparently it was only a feature for Blogger Pro, but then they disbanded Blogger Pro and said they are gonna put the features into the free one, but I haven't seen that yet.
Anyways, I found an RSS hack and it's gonna be a lil project to do this.
So I know this flip flopped between a blog and a IM archive place and what I said last time of a download place. Well it's for sure gonna be a lil download place. My big computer crash a month ago made me never put Trillian on this computer again, and MSN and AIM don't have chat logs .. or at least I can't figure out where they are, so the IM archives may be hard to do. But I'm gonna also add a lil bit to this blog, I'm gonna add a few news tidbits of Toronto news here and there. Mostly just for my amusement. I use to and still will do it on my MSN groups (again mostly for my amusement). But some I sorta want to make public. Well public to other people since I'm snatching news shit anyways.
How much sites do I have??? hahaha well ... [insert Optimus Prime Voice] Roll Call [/insert Optimus Prime Voice] ... n8itude (the big bad e/n site), n8TV (the actual NEW blog), Corkscrew Plancha (the wrestling blog-news-e/n site), The Deviant Art Site. There is also the LJ site and my main company site (which will become a professional web design tutorial, company and portfolio site). Not to mention the various other mini sites (u can find them all at n8TV). So you see why I don't update this dinosaur alot.
But I never want to close this bad boy. It's the genesis of my personal site skills. Ok I've said enough now with the thing I wanted to post:
"Minus 15 degrees Celsius. That was the uncomfortable temperature Saturday afternoon in Toronto. If you think that’s cold, it’s not as cold as it was on Friday – which means we’ve been given a slight reprieve from the deep freeze.
But not much of a reprieve. As the day turns into night, winds are expected to pick up and force down those milder conditions to a bone chilling minus 28 degrees overnight. As a result, the cold weather alert for the city has been extended.
Toronto’s Hostel Services announced the alert on Thursday, to help get the homeless in from the arctic-like conditions, especially for the night. Additional emergency sleeping spaces were immediately set up in city shelters. And for those who refuse to go to shelters, the alert is designed to mobilize various outreach services – like the Anishnawbe Street Patrol – to assist and comfort folks.
As for the forecast, there’s good news and bad. While Environment Canada says temperatures should warm up Sunday, they'll likely drop again on Tuesday or Wednesday."
Oh and since this barely gets hits or comments I'm gonna big up the few people that actually comment here. Bec (who comments all over the intern8), Pjay (who slowly keeps up with the intern8), and Ebony (who probably only knows of this stop on the intern8 super highway).
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