n8itude 4 - Newest Layout Casualty
Remember that "specially" guarded layout I was working on for the latest redesign? The same one I thought I would apply to the WP redesign. Well it's gone the way of the the Shogun n8itude 3 Layout - In the creative graveyard.
I just don't think it has enough "it factor" so it must just stop. It'll be some time before I really play with the WP layout. I'm pretty sure in that time whatever residual viewers I still had will be adios'd.
Side note I'm thinking of adding a "Old School Hip Hop" section to n8itude. It might also include Reggae. It's not gonna be only music although it'll have a ton of mps, but old pics and stories that I remember. That's all just a maybe.
Ok so here's that aforementioned failed layout. It had a good start but then nah.

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